Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thanksgiving, New York, & Christmas!!

This will be a short one (with lots of pics) but I didn't want to leave out the holidays and our family vacation to New York that we took in December!

Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving 2014 we enjoyed at my mothers house in Jacksonville! It was just a low key family get together where we stuffed our faces with some yummy food and went shopping that afternoon!

I'm not a huge fan of the Black Friday sales starting on actual Thanksgiving but hey if it really cuts down on all the crazies I suppose I will partake! lol. When I was younger I used to hate having to be stuck in the house on a holiday after we were done with everything!! Eventually we would go to the movies just for something to do!! Now I foresee us welcoming the time we have with our loved ones and watch the kiddos play! 

New York 
December 2014

I have ALWAYS wanted to visit New York during the holidays and I finally got my wish!! We had an amazing time and can't wait to go back! 

The first couple days we ventured to Rochester NY where Daniel's sister, Erika and her family lives. 
We were hoping for snow flurries but we had to settle for some left over snow from a couple days prior. We still had a blast running around in the snow and building snowmen! I'll have to admit sledding down the plowed "snow mountains" were my favorite and I felt like a little kid again! After a very short visit in Rochester we flew into New York City and walked what felt like hundreds of miles!! (We are lovers of "walking cities" - Boston is my fave!) 

Waiting to board in Atlanta!

My little snow bunny! 

Ollie, Erika, Gabe, and Chris visiting the Kodak house

Daniel and I built a snowman!! 

Ollie and Gabe supervised! 

Playing in the basement!! (basement was bigger than our house!!)

Flight to NYC!

Heading into NYC!

Sleeping Beauty! 

Isabelle's first Taxi ride! 

Our view from our room that Isabelle was obsessed with! 

No words, I just can't imagine. 

Our little family!!

New York Stock Exchange (Daniel is a nerd, can you tell?)

Isabelle met her Uncle Vlad and we got to watch him feature a few stories on CBS Good Morning!!


Museum of Natural History! I was pretty disappointed we didn't get to see the whole place because GOOGLE decided to have their Holiday Party there and shut the place down early! :( 

Overall we had an amazing time and can't wait to go back for some more!!!

Christmas 2014 

Isabelle's first Christmas was a success and I myself loved every minute of it!!

Santa stopped by for Isabelle and Maddox!! 
fyi dont use powdered sugar for *Santa's footprints*!! 
I thought I had flour and that was not the case during clean up!!

TMNT pjs Memaw got for everyone to wear on Christmas Eve!

Isabelle loves her new princess Cozy Coupe!

Maddox's new bike!! 

I lied, that wasn't short at all was it? 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Isabelle is 12 months!!

I suck… I know. Late posting…. Again!

Guess what!?!!?!?!? Isabelle is officially ONE!!!!

Sheesh I feel old. 

Stats: She is holding steady at 16.8 lbs and 28 inches long! I guess I need to give her a stick of butter to get some weight on her bones. Just kidding, Just kidding, I would never.  

Clothing Size: We are just about to graduate from 6/9 months to 9 months!!! Woop Woop!! We struggle to find any pants that fit though. :( She fits in the 6 months but they end up being capris. boooo.

Currently Eating: EVERYTHING. Current favorites are popcorn, popcorn, popcorn.... and strawberries. Honestly she is random at what she will scarf down. Howeer the next time (on a different day obviously) we give her that same thing she may just have a few pieces and be done with it. We have had to start with veggies first for dinner on her plate because those are what she will shove away once we give the rest of the meal.  When it comes to liquids though she LOVES to drink. We mostly give her water but once a day she gets some of the Bolthouse Farms “Green Goodness” (so yum) and LOVES it. We just finished our last bag of breastmilk so we have now transitioned to Almond milk and pediasure for some added calories! 

Sleeping Habits: ATTENTION! ATTENTION PLEASE! WE FINALLY SLEEP ALL NIGHT EVERY NIGHT! It’s a miracle. (Knock on wood) She will sleep from 8pm until around 6am and sometimes will lay back down and sleep until 8am. She has another nap around 11am and occasionally she will require a second nap around 3pm. 

Firsts and Milestones: OH jeeze. Why am I so horrible at remembering these? Let’s see. We flew to New York, played in the snow, and built a snowman. She seems to have regressed on the walking… she had a bit of an accident and face planted (ouch) while walking her baby doll in the stroller and ever since then will barely walk and prefers to crawl.  

Favorite Things:
 She now has a crazy abundance of toys since her birthday and Christmas so she has lots of fun but her favorites currently are her elefun ball popping elephant, (she will dance and dance to the music it plays) any type of ball, mega blocks, and anything that rolls. Oh and ice cube trays… random I know. I've been doing a little bit of “spring” cleaning and found 2 ice cube trays that we no longer use and set them by the “donate” pile and poof Isabelle confiscates them and she now scoots around with one in each hand.

Number of Teeth: Still just two… I swear the top ones all look like they want to come at the same time.  

Signature Moves: Her dancing, oh my gosh, anytime music comes on or her toys play a song she will look at me, get the biggest grin on her face, and start bouncing up in down. It’s so adorable and I can’t wait to catch a video of it!  

Best Mommy Moment: Hugs and Kisses!!! All I have to say is “Can I have a hug (or kiss)?” and she will wrap her little arms around my neck and say “awwwwwww” with me. Kisses come in the form of a WIDE OPEN MOUTH and several kisses at a time. After she gives kisses she then grabs my nose and waits for me to say “Oink”. She is so demanding! lol. She has us wrapped….

Passed out while watching movies with Mommy 

Bed hog!!!

First time coloring! She loves her Aunt Nique! 

Her first dog food confession. lol

Her first Oreo

Passed out maybe 2 minutes after her first Oreo.

First Sucker!! ( I think)

Actual Birthday Lunch with Grandpa!

12 month check up! 

Christmas Day beach stroll!

We CANNOT get enough of this little lovebug, I know I've said it many times and I will continue to say it forever and ever but we are so very BLESSED!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Isabelle's 1st Birthday Party!!

Isabelle Graece -

Your very first step was quite a surprise - 
You're changing right before our eyes!

First you rolled,
then you crawled,
NOW you're standing straight and tall!

With hands outstretched, 
your little feet 
will walk into the arms you'll meet!

You must have felt some trepidation 
but on your face was JUBILATION! 

Step by step, day by day, 
you're growing up in every way! 

Happy First Birthday princess!!

After many months of planning and spending WAYYY too much money we pulled off our little princess's FIRST birthday party today!! We had tons of fun and we are just finally getting to sit down!! I couldn't wait to see all the great shots we got and had to share since I haven't posted in a while! 

Warning: Photo Dump! 

Yummy sweets table!

Our baby Girl in her party dress!! 

Smash cake outfit! (I made her onesie, tutu, and her crown!)  

Daddy and his little girl that he loves so very much! 

But Mommy loves you more!!! <3

Isabelle's cRaZy Uncles!


Maddox and Isabelle! She adores him!! Cousin Love!!

Opening her gifts, she is already so spoiled!

She'd rather play with her straw than open her gifts, I don't expect that to be the case next year!

Smash cake time!! She wasn't thrilled. 

Maddox helped Isabelle out with her candle. 

Aunt Veronique had to help her get started! Thanks Nique!!

Whew!! I am one exhausted Mama but I am so thankful that our little princess had an amazing time at her 1st birthday party!! Next year(and all the following years) is Isabelle's choice and I am so so excited to see what she is interested in through the years!! 

We love you Isabelle Graece!!